I'm happy to report that our show, Steve Schalchlin and Friends at Don't Tell Mama, was a resounding success. I wrote on social media that it was the best night of my whole life.
The room was packed, they laughed at the funny lines and cried on the sad ones. I heard there were no less than four critics there. I'll do the reviews next week after they come out. Cross fingers they liked it.
Gavin Gold, my partner in the Beatles project, and I have released a new 6-song EP. These didn't quite fit into Rebel Nerds or Bonus Round Band. And they're a bit bent, I think. He brings out a twisted side of me. We met at the Jack Hardy Songwriter Exchange and I began writing lyrics for him, on deadline, every week. Or he'd have a half a lyric and I'd finish it up.
Here's an example: There's a song called "Lost in Space." Because Gavin has a tender heart for animals and aliens, he started this fantasy song about them coming to earth and becoming zoo animals, put on display. So I took that and extended it to a man feeling so poorly about this that he fantasizes making a deal with the aliens to go to their planet as a volunteer zoo animal and they split the profits.
Here is the link to the rather disturbingly silly video: https://youtu.be/QuZRK9xLaHU
This is a link to the full Schalchlin/Gold EP.
You are free to stream the songs but purchasing them is the best way to support independent artists such as myself. Or if you have the means, you can make a small donation through PayPal or Venmo using my email address: steveshack@gmail.com.
And please share this with friends!
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Steve Schalchlin
Living in the Bonus Round
Spotify Links
2024 Songs https://tinyurl.com/3su9t85m
Love Songs by Steve Schalchlin https://tinyurl.com/stevelovesongs
Personal Songs by Steve Schalchlin https://tinyurl.com/stevepersonal
Comic/Humor Songs by Steve Schalchlin https://tinyurl.com/stevehumor
Inspirational Songs by Steve Schalchlin https://tinyurl.com/steveinspire
Meditation Music by Steve Schalchlin https://tinyurl.com/stevemeditate
Political Songs by Steve Schalchlin https://tinyurl.com/stevepolitics
Rebel Nerd Songs - lyrics by Steve Schalchlin