Today, I was composing a final press release to go out later this morning and I was trying to describe our show on Friday at Don't Tell Mama. (
Using an app, it asked me questions. Specifically, what is this show? Is it a show?
I answered the question by describing how it was taking shape: In front of people in small spaces in casual settings, like the afternoon lounge aboard a ship or in our friend, Jane Goldman's, living room, then a few numbers at the Actor's Temple, then suddenly and unexpectedly on stage at the Urban Stages festival, where we all laughed together, cried together, felt love together, remembered love together and left with a greater appreciation for life.
I even did a version of this show for two people on the ship who couldn't get to the appointed time! They were from Australia. Hello, Jane and Richard!
It feels like the show is driving me! That's when I realized what this show is all about. It's about that loose living room warmth and telling stories.
And that's all it has to be. If there is something larger there, I believe it will emerge just as The Last Session emerged from the songs. What I do know is that this group of songs are relationship/love songs, the first set I've ever tried to write -- and I've been writing them since before the pandemic.
So here's part of the press release:
"Join composer and performer Steve Schalchlin and his cherished friends, including special guests legendary cabaret comedian Sidney Myer, jazz virtuoso Natalie Douglas from Birdland, and rising star Blake Zolfo, for an intimate evening of music and connection in "Steve Schalchlin and Friends: Two Things Too" at Don't Tell Mama NYC on March 7, 2025. This isn't just a performance; it's a warm gathering, a living room concert where hearts meet and music heals.
"Imagine friends gathered around a piano, acoustic guitars, a violin, and a chorus of voices, creating an atmosphere of pure musical camaraderie. Steve Schalchlin, whose deeply personal and genre-bending music has been praised by The New York Times for its "triumphant and very touching" blend of humor and emotion, invites you to experience his latest collection of original songs."
Does that work?
I had a great rehearsal on Sunday with the Rebel Nerds, Gavin Gold and Jake Adams, the punk band that's going to merge with the rotating casts of my Bonus Round Band, which now consists of me, Blake Zolfo and new-in-town violinist/music director Charlie Viehl.
We have a vocal rehearsal on Thursday and then Friday night at 7, we are on! I'm vibrating with nervous anticipation.
One of the songs we'll be singing is a minor hit by Rebel Nerds for which I contributed most of the lyrics. It's called Sooner or Later and it will charge up your morning with joy! Stay tuned for more exciting music news. So that's our link for the week.
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You are free to stream the songs but purchasing them is the best way to support independent artists such as myself. Or if you have the means, you can make a small donation through PayPal or Venmo using my email address:
And please share this with friends!
[This is the hand-crafted, non-bot newsletter of Steve Schalchlin. If you wish to be removed from the list, send me an email. If someone sent you this and you want to be added, write me at]--
Steve Schalchlin
Living in the Bonus Round
Spotify Links
2024 Songs
Love Songs by Steve Schalchlin
Personal Songs by Steve Schalchlin
Comic/Humor Songs by Steve Schalchlin
Inspirational Songs by Steve Schalchlin
Meditation Music by Steve Schalchlin
Political Songs by Steve Schalchlin
Rebel Nerd Songs - lyrics by Steve Schalchlin