Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Peter Filichia Mentions The Last Session in his column.

From Peter Filichia in Theatremania:
And there was one wonderful musical revival reading of The Last Session as a benefit for the St. Clement’s Food Pantry and Free Vet Clinic. Songwriter Steve Schalchlin and librettist Jim Brochu headed the cast, and how they beamed when their tune “The Singer and the Song” got the Best Type of Applause: People went wild with handclapping, but after the applause began to abate, the crowd just didn’t want it to cease and wouldn’t let it – so it not only upped the applause to the previous level, but also made it louder than before. Well-deserved! 
It's true. Maisey totally brought down the house with "Singer and the Song." The tidal wave kept building, lulled, and then went higher than before. It was AMAZING!

And, yes, I know I owe you a whole report from the night. I promise it's coming soon.

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