We took a break, our last one of the night, and headed back up to our rooms, flipped on the TV and that was when I heard the news. It shook me up so badly, the thought of going back to that empty club and playing another set was more than I could bear. Since almost no one was in the gloomy club anyway, the band members asked me if I'd just get on the piano and play out the time.
It wasn't until I sat down behind the keyboard that it hit me that I'd be making the public announcement to whoever was that John Lennon had been assassinated. I wasn't even sure I could say the words out loud.
Still in shock, I took the mic and said, "I have some news. John Lennon was just shot and killed."
And then I did something I had never done in my life.
I played the song "Imagine" all the way through without a single mistake.
I had never rehearsed it. Never sung it before. Wasn't even sure what key it was in. But something gripped me that night, some spirit of sadness and strength, and I just sang the song. The words tumbled out of me. A verse would be approaching and though I had no idea what the lyrics were before I sang them, I'd open my mouth and they'd be there.

UPDATE: Covered in the press by Earthtimes.org and The Olympian, and at Box Turtle Bulletin.
And the reason I'm there, as Caroline True said last night in Gabi's living room, is because Gabi wants me there.
Yes I sure do. And I am so glad that we will be able to share this day. Thank you, Steve.
This is mind boggling.
Steve, thank you for continuing to share your heartwarming, sometimes sad, incredible stories. You're an inspiration.
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