Tuesday, September 17, 2024

I told you in previous newsletters about singing Beatles songs in Central Park with Gavin Gold, my South African punk rocker friend from the band Rebel Nerds. We met at a songwriter group and became fast friends.

The Rebel Nerds have a comical, tuneful twist to their music that is totally accessible. Naturally I had to horn in on the act by writing lyrics for them.

So the spotlight single this week is "Sooner or Later," which may be the most mainstream song of the bunch -- and even got a good run on a Bruce Ravid's popular alt-rock playlist, up against a lot of mainstream, big label artists.

Give it a spin and tell me what you think! (And listen to that killer bass line!) I love this YouTube video version with the lyrics: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dknUvJL90Ac Sooner or Later: Spotify


Apple Music:


Amazon Music:


Here's the whole playlist of Rebel Nerd/Steve Schalchlln collaborations:


As always, purchasing music from these stores helps support indie artists like myself, but feel free to stream for free or share the links. My gift is my song and this one's for you!

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