Monday, September 09, 2024

New Single: Past Life

 The full studio version of PAST LIFE, my new single this week, is available for preview, with links to the streaming services on this page.

Or there's a YouTube link.

I'm dedicating this to two people who I lost last month under tragic circumstances, Chris Parks and Ronda Espy. 

Ronda was the music publisher and producer of The Last Session, believing in me (along with her husband, Kim) when I was at my most weak. When death was literally around the corner until the new drug arrived, which I received as a result of a nationwide lottery. She suffered an accident that cascaded tragically. I will never be able to repay her or her family for what they did for me in the worst of circumstances.

Chris was an Internet friend and vet who I met in person and who suffered from PTSD in ways I can't begin to describe. I'm still unsure of what happened because I don't know his family. 

I hope you listen and enjoy. And if you purchase it on Apple Music or Amazon Music, that'll help feed Leo the Cat. 

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