Saturday, August 17, 2013

Jim's Happy Birthday Lunch.

Jim and I have a group of friends we call the Soup Ladies because we meet at the Polish Tea Room, which is famous for its soups. Most of these "ladies," by the way, are accomplished professionals. Lawyers, producers, actors, etc. So don't let the label "ladies" throw you.

So, we thought it would be the perfect birthday event, since we didn't want to make the effort to plan something big since he just got in from Florida and is both tired and busy.

BTW, if you don't know what the Polish Tea Room is, you won't find it on a google maps because that's not the official name for it. But it's where many Broadway pros go because it's inexpensive compared to all the tourist spots in the Times Square area.

These are a few snaps I took of the party. At the end, though Jim had said, "NO PRESENTS," they pulled out a small bag and took out a wonderful gift that they had made.

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