Thursday, August 01, 2013

World Domination Summit Pt. 6: Reactions.

After I got home from #WDS2013, just as it all seemed like some big dream, came these from one of the attendees of the Summit, Mike Rohde, who made one of these of every speaker and activity he went to. He took a few years off and gave me a cooler haircut.

So I immediately made his graphic the primary one on my some of my social media. And it totally changed my image. Hip and cool, that's how I be.

That was followed by many tweets and blog entries which you can find at #WDS2013 on Twitter.

And then came this blog entry and graphic from an artist and attendee named Peter Grundy, who was very praisy about my performance (thanks) but then said this:
I hope I can keep this story in my mind on days I think dont go to well and realise I should treat every day as a bonus round.
And that made it all worth it. Because if he got the message, then who knows how many others did, also? Not that I'm selling a message. It's nothing more than a change of mind, this living in the bonus round. It's a frame of reference.

But the blog wasn't enough. He also sent this incredible woodcut design.

Wasting no time, I asked him if I could use these images for the album I'm recording and he said yes.

So, a little spark lights a couple more sparks.

But, best of all, by donating my service -- though I considered it a privilege -- as performer to World Domination Summit, I realize I'm joining a community of artists and, together, we are now creating a new adventure for ourselves.

The audience really is my hero!

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