Friday, June 09, 2006

My First Vlog: I Can See!

I jumped on the video blog (vlog) bandwagon early on when the technology became feasible a little over a year ago. In honor of the first Vlogger Convention happening in San Francisco right now, I thought it might be fun to post my very first vlog, especially since I'm celebrating my return to good health in my "10 Years Ago" series.

This was created right after my eye surgery. For several years I had severely messed up vision in my right eye due to Graves' Disease. My right eye was frozen into a "up" position, causing me extreme double vision. This hampered my ability to watch movies, watch plays, read, etc. So, when I made my first vlog, I did it by holding the camera in place as I took the bandages off. I did not know if the surgery would work. So, we would all find out together...


Christine Bakke said...

Ahh...the Lazarus song. It's special to me. :) As are you, although we haven't met. How amazing to see you when you realize it worked! Loved it.

I just actually was at the eye doc today and the drops have finally worn off and I can see enough again to read your blog! Yay...

Steve Schalchlin said...

So glad you have you back! I enjoy making vlogs. I don't do it as much because I don't make vlogs if I have nothing to say. I like telling stories and so when I have one, then I tell it.

Peterson Toscano said...

wow, I started crying. Powerful.

I just started playing with video on my recent trip to LA. Of course I have not employed all the technical editing skills you have going on.

Ah, the Lazarus song. I was just listening to it this morning and here it is again.